Teachers & Presenters
We are truly in awe of the amazing healers, activists, scholars, artists, and visionaries that want to share their knowledge and love with Floyd Yoga Jam!
We asked our teachers what they wanted participants to take away from their classes, workshops, and hikes. Their responses say it all….

Ann-Marie Phillips
Anne-Marie's Yoga
Emerald Isle, NC
“I hope they learn something NEW, something FRESH, something about themselves. I want them to take home with them the JOY and Happiness Yoga brings.”

Richmond, VA
“A profound innerstanding of limitlessness and an innate remembrance of Truth and Home through freedom, expansion, and infinite connection of body, mind, soul, spirit.”

Andrew Alwood
Recovery Dharma
Richmond, VA
“A Buddhist approach to developing healthy practices related to alcohol, drugs, and other harmful behaviors.”

Chitra McDevitt
Chitra Yoga Therapy
Charlottesville, VA
“A felt experience of the healing power of yoga. And FUN!”

Chloe Craver
Lotus Acadamey
Winston-Salem, NC
“My intention is to guide participants into a meditative mind by way of exploring the possibilities of our beautiful, boundless bodies.”

Colleen Redman
Floyd, VA
“A stirring of curiosity and wonderment through call-and-response contemplative poetry. A delving into personal and universal themes, where depth psychology and death mythology meet, where honoring and grieving exist together for a sharing of attunement and deepening.”

Daina Fawn
Heathsville, VA
“I hope my students feel bliss, presence inside and out the prana flowing through their body balanced body mind and spirit feeling the divine essence.”

Dat Dude Jonny
Metta Mats
Philadelphia, PA
“I’m more concerned with what they leave behind when done. Together, we find community in letting go of what needs to be released.”

Debra Marks
Roanoke, VA
“As an offering of an alternative intervention to Western model of medicine and psychopharmocology. “

Detra Bennett
Down Dog Yoga & Wellness
Denver, NC
“I hope they take away a sense of gratitude, love, mindfulness and self worth along with their bodies feeling strong and amazing.”

Dr. Mica Deckard, PhD
Virginia Community Yoga
Norfolk, VA
“An awareness of the injustices present in western yoga. The skills and knowledge to make their yoga socially just and trauma-informed. And loving awareness.”

Dr. Sundar Balasubramanian
PranaScience Institue
Mount Pleasant, SC
“Learn the science and traditional practice of pranayama. Take home some easy ways to incorporate breathing exercises into the routine.”

Richmond, VA
“Feel the vibrations of the drums as you connect breath, heartbeat, mind & body to your practice.”

Ed & Maya Skopal
I-TAL Acres
Check, VA
“Empowerment. To remain simply in your Being. Connection with the natural world around you. To learn more about the plants and herbs. Trust. Love.”

Elisha Reygle
Floyd, VA
“Participants will walk away with an experience of the nature around them and nature within; deep breathing to balance the body and mind as a whole. Grace, beauty and movement improve health and expand compassion “

Erin Larsen
Erin Larsen Yoga
Fayetteville, WV
“The inspiration to slow down and tap into their body’s own innate wisdom to heal through breath and movement.”

Erin Sonn
Arlington, VA
“A profound sense of self-love and appreciation just as they are in that moment. Nothing needs to change.”

Hannah Levin
Heartfelt Wellbeing
Floyd, VA
“Inspiration about living in seasonal alignment with their individual super powers and trusting the messages from their bodies.”

J Miles
Maha Vira Yoga
Richmond, VA
“I hope class participants will take from them all that they need, and nothing that they don’t.”

Floyd, VA
“Inspiration that yoga is always within oneself, yoga is the divine light within.”

Jamie Reygle
InStill Mindfulness
Floyd, VA
“A better understanding of mindfulness and how it relates to their lives.”

Jen Waine
Yoga, Astrology + Wellness Charlottesville, VA
“Peace, restoration, clarity, empowerment, deeper connection to self and larger forces.”

Jenn Mintz
In True Nature
Boston, VA
“Em-bodied with a sense of connection to and harmony with their true selves and something bigger that runs through us all.”

Jenn Newton
High Point Yoga School
High Point, NC
“A sense of strength and belonging. A knowing that they can do anything regardless of size, ability, or life circumstance.”

Jesse Cassady
The Grateful Yoga
Washington, DC
“To feel more. Not good or bad, but more. More feeling/awareness, Understanding, and Compassion, leads to intentional grace.”

Jessica Adams
Free Range Yoga VA
Lynchburg, VA
“A smile, sense of grounding, and better understanding of their body, mind, and spirit connection.”

Jessica Watson
Functional Bliss
Willis, VA
“A deeper mind body connection. A quieted mind and sense of ease in the physical body.”

Joe Klein
Be Well Now
Floyd, VA
“An effective method of practicing meditation. A simple practice that they can/will be able to do daily because it gives them beneficial results.”

Johnny Stowe
Elgin, SC
“I seek in all my Sahyinidra EcoYoga classes and Nature Walks to connect people to Mother Earth, of which we are all a part.”

Jon Handleman
Conscious Coaching
Asheville, NC
“A new understanding and concept of themselves and their relationships to others. Deep and profound awe. Higher self confidence with their being and their voice. And for all of us to be more profoundly connected to each others’ hearts”

Julia Basso
The Embodied Brain Lab
Blacksburg, VA
“Participants will gain knowledge about their body and brain and specifically learn about how yoga influences the nervous system.”

Kaelyn Rogers
Upward Inertia
Boise, ID
“Excitement, camaraderie, increased belief in themselves and their body, a sense of accomplishment, and fun!”

Kat Harmon
Sol Harmony
Concord, NC
“I hope they take away the idea that their human bodies are brilliant and they know how to move to heal!”

Kathy Rivera
Tiny Warrior Wellness
Woodbridge, VA
“We can change our practices and rituals to harmonize with the seasons. Summer practice can still be potent without overheating and depleting the body.”

Katie Sutton & Josh Vogt
Zen Within Academy
Charlotte, NC
“Empowering students to tap into their inner wisdom and access their own unique gifts, allowing them to live as their authentic selves and manifest their true potential.”

Katie Wells
Interweave Conscious Movement Copper Hill, VA
“When dancing, we can re-pattern the self-judgements, and develop a more loving and authentic relationship with ourselves and each other.”

Katherine Chantal
Life Ceremonies by Katherine
Floyd, VA
“Connected within, with others, and their community. Knowing they have all they need within themselves to live life.”

Kelly Hayes
Unity Haven
Floyd, VA
“Connected within, with others, and their community. Knowing they have all they need within themselves to live life.”

Kevin May
Sacred StoryWeavers
Pittsburgh, PA
“I hope that participants will experience a harmonization of their Mind, Body and Spirit and activate a Flow State of Consciousness.”

Kilkenny Tremblay
Modern Mystic
“Participants leave with an indelible experience that provides profound & authentic knowledge about themself in body/mind/soul&/or psyche that was unknown before leaving them permanently shifted.”

Kim Henry
Wilmington, NC
“Peace of heart, body, mind and spirit. A renewed experience of how the breath transform yoga from a physical experience to a spiritual one.”

Leah Pegram
Her Sacred Circle
Little River, SC
“Circle is a sacred space to remember, reawaken and reclaim the medicine of sisterhood. My intention is that sisters feel seen, heard and supported…leaving with a deeper connection to their innate worth and to each other.”

Leia Jones
Floyd, VA
“A sense of connection to their own breath, mind, bodies and soul. A sense of inspiration and union with their hearts.”

Linda Osorio
House of Yoga Academy Fredericksburg, VA
“Students will leave with a feeling of ALIVENESS and CONNECTION with others through the power of the warriors breath and mindful asana! One Love!”

Lindsey Feldpausch
Plant Matters
Woolwine, VA
“Connecting plants to people is one of my life goals. A deeper appreciation for plants is my desired take away.”

Lori Marsh
InStill Mindfulness
Check, VA
“A heart meditation practice and ideas for using walking sticks to add stability and ease to asana practice in an outdoor setting.”

Mala Cunningham
Positive Health Soultions
Charlottesville, VA
“An understanding of how to regulate their nervous system and how to de-stress through an understanding of how to activate calming, positive hormones.”

Marcus Cammuse
Ignite Your Life Yoga & Massage
Lexington, KY
“That no matter what they are loved, valued and full of worth. That they are powerful creators capable of manifesting what they need.”

Marisa Freeman
Yoga in Lynchburg
Lynchburg, VA
“Yogis and yoginis should leave with a sense of “yessssss” about the time spent on their mats and a deep feeling of joy!”

Marni Sclaroff
Reston, VA
“They will feel more connected to their own intuitive wisdom, and to the incredible magic of being… They will leave with motivation, inspiration,and the tools that they can bring to their daily lives. They will know that they are part of the healing transformation that is happening in the world at this time.”

Marybeth Grinnan
SoulShine Studios
Richmond, VA
“I would love participants to leave with a love of movement and living in their body.”

Meredith Young
Bassett VA
“A much deeper understanding of their mind and bodies, allowing them to move through their life with more ease and grace.”

Monica McGee & Kendall Selfe
Monica & Kendall Yoga
Charlotte, NC
“We create environments conducive for introspection and transformation, carefully guiding students to connect to a sense of belonging and wholeness.”

Wilmington, NC
“I hope to facilitate a safe, inspiring offering that encourages self-inquiry, self-expression , creativity, and connection to ourselves, one another, and to all.”

Nicole LaFon
In Balance Yoga
Blacksburg, VA
“Tools to calm flight, fight and freeze, de-stress, improve energy, improve immunity, balance, release stuck emotions & be embodied in love vs in our mind.”

Nitya Grriffith
Nitya Living
Richmond, VA
“Sense of peace, rejuvenation, and a feeling of lightness of being.”

Owl Rare
Imani Yoga Studio
San Diego, CA
“I hope that participants take away a deeper connection to their soul, and an awakening to creating diversity in wellness.”

Oyámie Kali Ma'at
Body Liberation Journey
Buckingham, VA
“Movement is free and available to us at anytime. We just have to get out of our own way and be liberated.”

Randy Boyd
Beauty Mountain Shir Yoga
Edmond, WV
“The life affirming philosophy of yoga and elegant alignment principles that help your body open in a safe and joyful way!”

Ravi Gill
Blacksburg Yoga Collective
Blacksburg, VA
“We will focus on therapeutic movements and breathing techniques aimed toward collective wellness.We will meditate, chant, ease stress, manifest positivity, and improve awareness and focus.”

Rebecca Storzbach
Mountain Pose Boone
Boone, NC
“That yoga makes you powerful. It emboldens you to see that you have choices, and choices help you navigate.”

Rochelle & Norman Morris
Jingles' Promise
San Antonio, FL
“Insight and guidance into the use of mindfulness in the natural world while moving forward from emotional / mind / body trauma to loving awareness.”

Rick Tan
Blacksburg, VA
“Learn the language of emotions and techniques to embrace and release difficult emotions. Learn the philosophy and practices of self-compassion “

Ryley Harris
Blacksburg, VA
“Heightened appreciation for the biodiversity and ethnobotany of Appalachia, and the ability to identify common native plants through the patterns method of plant identification. “

Salina Khanna
Beautiful Green Soul
Forest, VA
“I hope through a practice of creativity, love, and play, participants will feel a euphoric sense of relaxation and awareness to evoke vitality and resilience.”

Sarah McCarthy
Floyd, VA
“Inspiration that they can continue a consistent meditation practice.”

Scott Moss
The Yoga Loft of Bethlehem
Bethlehem, PA
“Hopefully participants may deepen their connection to peace within.At least just a feel good flow and reminder how to have a good time from within!”

Sera Beth Weaver
SB Yoga
Cumberland, MD
“Leave feeling: strong, energized, invigorated
or introspective, centered and at ease.”

Shanna Latia Thornton
Sacred Vibes Yoga Healing & Wellness
Richmond City, VA
“Participants who attend yoga and sound healing sessions can expect to take away a sense of relaxation, peace, and rejuvenation.”

Sheetal Ajmani
Radiant Living Institute
Norfolk, VA
“A new approach to self-care with a deeper understanding of meditation and insights into Ayurveda”

ShirleyAnn Burgess
Living Light River Studio
Floyd, VA
“Nature is a source of inspiration, healing, and wisdom. I want participants go away with an experience of how to slow down and awaken their senses and begin to feel their environment by connecting them back to the more-than-human-world of which they are a part of.”

Shonda Austin
Vibrant Thang Wellness
North Chesterfield, VA
“I hope to help connect students to their bodies and to each other. I hope to serve as representation of a POC instructor.”

Sonic Universe Now & Onetone Sonic Alchemy
Flushing, NY
“A way to get to their own guidance after the clutter of negative and mundane thoughts are cleared. Lasting relief of stress and anxiety which are major co factors in every dis-ease process.”

Tara Jeffers & Bill Price
Cozmic Water Yoga & Sounds
Huntington, WV
“An appreciation for the wide diversity of authentic yoga tradition, practice and darśan.”

Tara Eschenroeder
Great Abiding Yoga
Asheville, NC
“To allow the soft animal of their bodies to love what they love and a deeper connection with their internal compass.”

Terri Thoma
Jamestown, NC
“A sense of calm and ease and realization that chair and slow flow don’t necessarily mean “easy”!”

Victoria McCargar
Mount Airy, NC
“A call offering a better understanding of Trauma Informed movement and connection to the body that we tend to disconnect from.”

Will Nelson
Decrininalize Nature Virginia
Richmond City, VA
“A deeper understanding of the healing potential of plant medicine, nature, and the cultivation of plants and fungi.”